When a board meets for the first time, the board chair notes that the board has gathered to discuss business. This simple statement establishes the meeting as official and allows the chair to address agenda items in a timely manner.

Before deciding on agenda items, the chair ensures that a quorum is present. This is accomplished by calling out the names of all present and ensuring the board has enough members to conduct official business.

Being distracted by new topics of discussion can take up time and distract attention away from the most important issues. This can be avoided by establishing the concept of a “parking area” at the end of your agenda for the board, in which members agree to discuss random subjects at a later time. Be sure to keep your word to return to the parking lot to determine whether the topic needs to be further researched or added to the agenda or delegated.

Once the board has established a quorum and begun discussion it is now time to listen to any committee reports that were circulated prior to the meeting. The board should then debate the items and decide on how to proceed. This may include voting on a motion or simply asking members to express their opinions on a particular issue. Make sure you include the entire discussion and actions into the minutes of the board. Boardable’s minutes maker ensures that the minutes of your board meetings are organized and thorough. They are also easy to understand by attendees as well as those who were not present.
