Security threats could be used to gain financial gain, hurt a person or business, or both. Security threats are constantly trying to discover vulnerabilities and exploit them to acquire high-value data.

The types of security threats to personal information storage can include anything from a physical robbery at a corporate headquarters to a tornado that wipes out an entire facility or a hacker who uses an open WiFi connection to access an internet-connected computer to a point-of-sale card skimmer which reads credit and debit card information from a customer’s credit or debit card. These can also include social engineering attacks that trick unsuspecting employees into disclosing personal information as well as network security breaches through known software flaws.

Some of the most frequent security risks to personal data storage include a breach in encryption that makes data unreadable, the loss of hardware like a laptop or external drive as well as inadequate password protection. To combat these risks, you should keep up with system updates, and encrypt all of your devices and files and use a secure unique password, avoid public WiFi networks that aren’t secure, and then delete any data that you no longer require.

It is also possible to take practical measures to protect yourself from security breaches in the protection of your business’s personal data storage by locking your screen away from your desk. Use a VPN (virtual private network) when connecting to the internet, and only share your screen when you are in a crisis situation. You can also set up access controls that limit what each employee is able to see, ensuring that HR and payroll personnel only have access to their own personal data while sales staff do not see confidential customer information.