Boards are always looking for innovative ways to improve their efficiency and effectiveness when they are managing nonprofit organizations. Virtual meetings are a great way to cut costs, avoid travel and schedule conflicts, and provide board members time for committees and volunteer work.

Virtual meetings can be more engaging than meetings in person if they are conducted properly. It is essential to use software that supports online collaboration tools. These tools enable participants to interact more efficiently. These tools often include chat features and other features that allow participants to speak to each other during the meeting.

When a virtual meeting is held it can be difficult to discern facial expressions and body language. It’s also difficult for the chairperson to keep everyone involved. It’s not difficult for one person to dominate a discussion and block others from speaking.

This is a huge problem that can lead to many frustrations. To solve this it is essential to adhere to the structure of a traditional board meeting, and ensure that everyone’s voice is heard. This means keeping the meeting brief and avoiding topics that don’t relate to the agenda, and making sure that everyone is able to participate without any technical issues. It’s a good idea having someone to help with any issues that may arise during the meeting.